The CSC's "Art and Science of Relationships" online class begins September 1st, 2011. A Principles approach to thriving with others.
![]() How to thrive with other humans without needing to control what they do. Elese Coit and Liz Alameda throw out the relationship rulebook and talk about the role of thoughts and emotions in our connections with other people. A show that will change your mind about what's possible! The CSC's "Art and Science of Relationships" online class begins September 1st, 2011. A Principles approach to thriving with others.
![]() Elle and Michael D'Amore join me to talk about the art and the dance of being a couple. It's all about being together, yet separate. They share what they know from teaching others, but primarily how they are dedicated to each doing their part in their own couple. Dr. Michael is a holistic, Principled Chiropractor and Elle is a relationship coach, together they have a practice in San Diego. Connect with them on Facebook ![]() ...is just to love and be loved in return. I explore love and relationships and what it means to practice unconditional loving kindness with our partners and beyond. We all want to be loved without conditions, so how do we learn to really love unconditionally ourselves? There's no guest this week, so I hope you enjoy this hour with me. More on this topic, including love and parenting, spiritual partnerships, conscious loving, relationship forgiveness and radical relationship healing in the archive shows on Love and Relationships. Today's show is a replay of one of my two wonderful shows with Robert Holden, Director of the Happiness Project, and author of many books including Be Happy. The way to find out about happiness could well be to become a gazillionaire and then watch all your problems vaporize. Yunno, why not? And while that's on the way, there's lots you can do to understand what happiness is for you. The show looks at these, in fact there are two archive shows with Robert Holden (on June 5th and July 24th) exploring the 10+ Keys to Happiness. In addition, here's Robert talking on GMT about why you can rewire those circuits and actually be happy now. ![]() ![]() Greg Baer had amazing, heart-warming things to say about Men and their real cravings. So let's out with it: men want intimacy and intimate connection is impossible when we lie - about who we are. Human beings lie 3-5 times a minute about who we are and what we are feeling. Find out the single reason why men substitute sex for intimacy. For twenty years, Greg Baer, M.D. has developed some simple and powerful principles that have greatly enriched the lives of thousands of people. He's written many books on the difference between imitation and Real Love in relationships, parenting and beyond... Hear his first appearance on March 19 when we talked about Radical Honesty and Real Love and discover his powerful work here Listen to this show
(You'll see a blue 'play' arrow when this link goes live - usually within a few hours after the live show. Refresh your page to check it. Give us a couple hours to upload the archive : ) To download the show or listen, you can right click on the link and save. iTunes click here ![]() The phenomenal Greg Baer drops by to talk with me about exactly how radical honesty is the key to real love. I can't wait for you to hear Greg redefine 'self love'. For twenty years, Greg Baer, M.D. has developed some simple and powerful principles that have greatly enriched the lives of thousands of people. He’s written 16 books on Real Love from marriage and dating to the workplace. You will find them and much more on his site http://reallove.com Considering this topic further (and give your opinion) - click here to read "I love you, but..." ![]() I'm joined by John Welshons (Ramananda), a highly respected contemporary spiritual teacher. He is the author of the critically acclaimed new book, ONE SOUL, ONE LOVE, ONE HEART: The Sacred Path to Healing All Relationships. Our most challenging relationships could be the way we teach ourselves our greatest spiritual lessons. http://onesouloneloveoneheart "There's no better way to be happy, than to have more love." ![]() Relationships: a bit like eating white sugar every day- an instant rush, but no long term satisfaction or sustenance? Love Alchemist Ali Berlin joins me - and we talk about what makes a Spiritual Union? www.aliberlin.com listen now
(to download, right-click and 'save as') ![]() The show falls on a date that everyone recognizes. It seems to me the perfect opportunity to hold an encompassing and open conversation about hate, tolerance and forgiveness. Accompanying me will be Bill Cumming, the founder of What One Person Can Do (a program you've heard me talk about many times, based on loving kindness and the power within) and a man and father with first hand experience of our topic. At a young age his own daughter was brutally attacked (she is fine and thriving today). Bill has since dedicated his life to understanding and addressing the roots of violence. Do you believe there are some people who cannot, by the nature of their actions, be deserving of forgiveness? What is our definition of forgiveness? Bill has been doing transformational work for 30 years in schools, prisons, rape crisis centers, businesses and organizations of all kinds. His work is accessible to everyone in a conversation called ‘What One Person Can Do’ and he can be found on www.oneperson.net More shows with Bill can be heard in the archives: December 26, 2008, A Conversation That Changed My Life October 31st 2008, It’s Personal and It Matters, An Election Special ![]() Who we are is what we teach our children. Ami Chen Mills-Naim is my most amazing guest this week. We will talk about returning to the sense of the intuitive and spiritual in our family lives. Ami is a teacher, consultant, author, poet, essayist and former journalist. Ami directs a non-profit, the Center for Sustainable Change, which teaches parents, educators, youth-service workers, communities and organizations how to engage the innate resilience and through the experience gained, to become wise and loving role models for children. The Center’s work is built on three decades of successfully applying a Principles-based/innate health psychology to communities and schools across the nation. Ami is also passionate about her blog Mystical Mama. A mystical mama or mystical parent, is a parent who attempts to tune into a deeper wisdom about their children, about life, about the moment in which they find themselves. Ami’s blog is www.mysticalmama.com For more about Ami's work in the world: http://www.centerforsustainablechange.org For more about parenting and children see the archive show on November 28th, Inner Wisdom for Kids and The Mother/Daughter Connection (these are currrently found on the radio station archives |
No More Radio Show Archives... So sorry!Boohoo... the radio show source files are lost and no longer play on iTunes.
(The "Listen Now" links also no longer play). My show ran live for 3 years until April 2012 and my heartfelt thank you to all who listened and learned with me. With Love, Elese SHOW TOPICS
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April 2012
Unfortunately all shows in 2008 were lost in an outage at CTR station and can no longer be heard.